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New Study Links Avandia to Increased Risk of Blindness

| Jun 27, 2011 | Avandia Diabetes Drug

A recent Bloomberg article discusses a new threat from taking Avandia:

“People taking the drugs have a 3 to 6 times increased risk of developing diabetic macular edema, a condition in which the retina thickens and swells, according to a study of more than 100,000 people to be presented Sunday at the American Diabetes Association’s annual meeting in San Diego.”

Click here to read the entire Bloomberg article:  Takeda, Glaxo Diabetes Treatments Raise Risk of Eye Disease, Study Finds

This new study only adds to our knowledge about Avandia’s damaging side effects, which include stroke, heart disease and hear failure.

Click here if you or a loved one has taken Avandia and want to learn more about the Brandi Law Firm Avandia Attorneys.

