Photo of Professionals at the Brandi Law Firm.

We Are Here To Help You Through Your Most Difficult Times

144 RSRs Have Joined Case as of the Morning of July 13. If you wish to join the overtime case, forms can be faxed today to 415-989-1801 or post marked by July 13.

| Jul 13, 2012 | Hershey Overtime Lawsuit

If you are/were a California RSR you have a four year window. Here is your notice

All individuals who are or were employed by The Hershey Company as a Retail Sales Representative in California from any time up to four years prior to the date the individual’s “Consent to Join” is filed to January 28, 2012.

If you are/were a Non California RSR you have a three year window: Here is your notice

All persons who are or were employed by The Hershey Company as a Retail Sales Representative in the United States from any time up to three years prior to the date the person’s “Consent to Join” is filed, to January 28, 2012.

For more information go to

Or contact:

The Brandi Law Firm
354 Pine Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
Toll Free: 800-481-1615
Contact Us

David C. Feola
1626 Wazee Street, Suite 2A
Denver, CO 80202
Toll Free: 800-590-3184
Contact Us

