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Congress Reexamining Insurance Minimums for the Trucking Industry

| Feb 23, 2015 | Trucking Accidents

In 1980, Congress enacted regulation that the trucks have $750,000 in insurance.  And it has been that amount for thirty-five years, although in real terms that $750,000 is worth $4 million in today’s dollars. On February 26, 2015, comments will close on a crucial rule making issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to increase the minimum insurance requirement for interstate trucks and buses.  Health care costs have gone up and for seriously injured victims of trucker negligence, this insurance is inadequate.  In many cases, it will not cover future medical costs or wage loss, thereby shifting the burden of responsibility for wrongdoing from the wrongdoer to the government by way of Medicaid or other programs.

Please take a moment and send a comment to the FMCSA. Lawyers can use this link:

Clients, family, and friends can comment here:

Americans rely on manufacturers to provide a safe well-designed product.  Sadly, that is not often the case.  The Auto Defect Attorneys at The Brandi Law Firm have successfully represented many people injured from defective autos such as Toyotas, Fords, Chryslers, Hondas, GM, and their component parts. Additionally, we have successfully represented people injured by defective helmets, bicycles, motorcycles, fuel pumps, brakes, car seats, seat belts, air bags, table saws, pumps, industrial machinery used in the workplace, barbeques, heating systems, and numerous other household and industrial products.

Often times, people involved in accidents do not examine the issues of defective product design, the risks inherent in the design, feasible alternatives, and appropriate warnings.  In a car accident, we examine whether the car was truly crashworthy – does it contain the appropriate crash protection. In accidents where someone strikes a guardrail, people often do not consider the guardrail may be unsafe, installed improperly, or whether there is a contributing factor in the roadway design leading to a dangerous condition.  We have represented a number of people seriously injured in these types of accidents involving dangerous conditions of roads and crashworthy vehicles.  If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto crash, our attorneys at The Brandi Law Firm are available to consult with you.  Please contact our office at 800-481-1615 or email us.

