The Brandi Law Firm is pleased to announce that Thomas J. Brandi and Jason Friedman obtained a verdict in San Mateo County on behalf of a young San Franciscan woman against the State of California on May 2, 2016 after three full days of deliberation and 25 days of trial. The verdict allocated fault against the State and two drivers. No fault was placed on Plaintiff. The total verdict is $12,344,723, consisting of $843,685 past economic loss, $4,001,038 future economic loss, $2.5 million past pain and suffering, and $5 million future pain and suffering. Boris Efron and Gail Lamchick of the Law Offices of Boris Efron were co-counsel.
SR 1 near Pie Ranch is two lanes in each direction with a passing lane that transitions back to one lane. Plaintiff contended the State failed to follow applicable design principles in 1990 when designing the taper from two lanes back to one so that speeding cars coming out of a passing lane were funneled into vehicles stopping or slowing to turn left at the Green Oaks Way entrance to Pie Ranch. Plaintiff contended there should have been a left turn lane at the intersection. The State contended there was no dangerous condition relying on no other accidents from 1990 to the date of this accident and only one other accident after at this location.
On June 21, 2008, a vehicle was stopped on SR 1 to turn left onto Green Oaks Way when the driver saw a vehicle approaching at a high rate of speed coming out of the passing area. Fearful of being struck, the driver started to move the vehicle to the right when the approaching vehicle hit its left rear and was sent across the double yellow lines into the car driven by Cindy, 29, and in which her boyfriend of nine years was a passenger. He was killed and Cindy suffered serious orthopedic injuries resulting in multiple past surgeries, and future surgeries for a likely fused foot, knee replacements, and future surgery on her hips and shoulder and chronic pain.