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J&J’s DePuy Unit Abandons Pinnacle and All Metal Hip Implants

| May 17, 2013 | DePuy Hip Replacement, Drug and Medical Device Litigation

On May 16, 2013, in what many health advocates feel is a long overdue move, J&J’s DePuy Orthopedic unit announced it was stopping the manufacture of all metal replacement hips.  In August 2010 the unit recalled the DePuy ASR in the face of mounting evidence of high failure rates but continued to sell the all metal DePuy Pinnacle.

Faced with 10,000 DePuy ASR suits, and 3300 DePuy Pinnacle suits, according to company filings with the SEC, and a January 2013 FDA ruling requiring DePuy to perform studies of the all metal implants to continue selling them, DePuy decided to stop selling the units and thereby avoid doing the studies.  The company also said it was discontinuing sales of the metal component used in the Pinnacle as well as the ceramic hip implant called the Complete.

In a February 2013 filing with the SEC, J&J reported that the United States Attorney’s office in Massachusetts and the civil division of the Justice Department in August 2012 sent Johnson & Johnson an “informal request” for information about its ASR hip replacements.

Click here to read the full New York Times Article: Johnson & Johnson Confirms Inquiry into Hip Devices

In the Pinnacle and DePuy ASR devices the metal components rubbed against each other as a patient moved, creating tiny particles that could damage tissue, muscle and bone, and release toxic metals that resulted in high levels in many patients. People still using either device may wish to consult their physician as to the best course of action.

Click here to read the full New York Times Article: J. & J. Unit Phasing Out All-Metal Hip Devices

The abandonment of all metal devices, the admission by the DePuy ASR co inventor, Dr. Thomas P. Schmalzried, he would not use the device today, the soaring failure rates brings people injured by the Pinnacle and De Puy closer to holding J&J’s DePuy accountable for its failure to disclose and warn of the defects and problems with their all metal hip implants.  Johnson & Johnson is a holding company conducted by more than 275 operating companies located in 60 countries, including the United States and hopefully the lessons of history are not lost on it.

The lawyers at the Brandi Law Firm are representing a number of people with cases pending against the manufacturer of the DePuy ASR in the California JCCP, the MDL, and people who were injured by the DePuy Pinnacle. Please contact the DePuy hip replacement failure attorneys at the BRANDI LAW FIRM today (1-800-481-1615 or email us) to talk with a Johnson & Johnson DePuy ASR recall lawsuit attorney.

Depuy ASR Hip Replacement Linked To Metal Toxicity and Additional Surgery


