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Class 1 Recall Issued by FDA Over Medtronic Faulty Cardiac Guidewires

| Nov 21, 2013 | Drug and Medical Device Litigation

Medtronic, Inc. initially began notifying hospitals and distributors worldwide in October 2013 that some models of its guidewires used in cardiac procedures could lose the coating on their surface resulting in the detachment and delaminating of the guidewires.  If the guidewires fail during or after the procedure, serious injury or death to the patient can result.  The notification from Medtronic requested that all potentially affected units be quarantined immediately, and returned to the company as soon as possible for replacement.

However, in light of this serious issue, the FDA recently classified Medtronic, Inc.’s “voluntary field action” into a Class I Recall.  A Class I Recall is defined as a situation where the use of or exposure to a product will cause serious injury or death to a person.

Click here to read the full article: Medtronic Guidewires Draw Class I Recall due to Deadly Risk

The FDA has taken the next step by alerting both patients and providers of the risk.  One hundred and eighty-one lots involving 14,896 guidewires have been recalled.  They include specific lots from the following eight product lines that were manufactured after mid-April 2013:

  • Cougar nitinol workhorse guidewire
  • Cougar steerable guidewire
  • Zinger stainless steel workhorse guidewire
  • Zinger steerable guidewire
  • Thunder extra-support guidewire
  • Thunder steerable guidewire
  • ProVia crossing guidewire
  • Attain Hybrid guidewire

Medtronic, Inc., based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was previously involved in massive drug litigation involving their Medtronic implantable defibrillators products that caused injuries to many of their consumers.

If you have one of these eight product lines, contact your physician immediately.

Contact Our Experienced San Francisco Drug Recall Lawyers Today

At the Brandi Law Firm, we help people throughout the country who have been harmed because of a defective drug or medical device such as women contracting type two diabetes while using Lipitor, people suffering from bladder cancer while using Actos,  Fosamax users suffering atypical femur fractures, DePuy ASR hip users requiring revisions or suffering toxic poisoning, and women suffering significant pain, erosion and removal of Vaginal Mesh  Instead of treating all victims of defective drugs and medical devices the same we take a different, more personalized approach with a team of experienced defective drug attorneys and paralegals working for every client.  Our goal is to provide you with information about your legal options and to help you pursue compensation and holding these drug companies responsible for their dangerous actions.  Please contact the Brandi Law Firm today (1-800-481-1615 or email us) to talk with the experienced San Francisco defective drug attorneys.

Trademark Notice

Medtronic is a registered trademark of Medtronic, Inc.  The use of this trademark is solely for product identification and informational purposes.  Medtronic, Inc. is not affiliated with this website, and Medtronic, Inc. has no affiliation with the Brandi Law Firm.  Nothing on this site has been authorized or approved by Medtronic, Inc.

