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United Kingdom Seeks to Eliminate the Use of Metal-on-Metal Implants Due to High Failure Rate

| Nov 1, 2013 | DePuy Hip Replacement, Drug and Medical Device Litigation

Because of the high failure rates of metal on metal hip devices, and the potential for toxic exposure, the United Kingdom is moving to ban all metal-on-metal hip replacements performed at National Health Service [NHS] hospitals.  NHS is the publicly funded health care system in the U.K, the NHS seeks to stop these surgeries with these metal-on-metal hips in their hospitals.

Click here to read the full article: UK Moves to Ban Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants in NHS Hospitals

Recently, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE] conducted a study regarding metal on metal hips.  The study found that an abnormally high failure rates among implants in 17,000 patients.  The failure rate was as high as 43% among some the metal on metal implants that were used in hip replacement surgeries.  One device, the DePuy ASR required revision surgery in almost a quarter of cases within that period.  After nine years, failure rates are estimated to be 43 per cent, the study says.

On May 16, 2013, J&J’s DePuy Orthopedic unit announced it was stopping the manufacture of all metal replacement hips. There are currently pending over 10,000 suits involving the DePuy device in the U.S.

The lawyers at the Brandi Law Firm are representing a number of people with cases pending against the manufacturer of the DePuy ASR in the California JCCP in San Francisco and in the MDL.  Please contact the DePuy hip replacement failure attorneys at the Brandi Law Firm today (1-800-481-1615 or email us) to talk with a Johnson & Johnson DePuy ASR recall lawsuit attorney.


