As reported earlier, Johnson & Johnson will pay $2.2 billion due to its practices of improper marketing and failure to warn. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company, admitted that it promoted Risperdal to health care providers for treatment of psychotic symptoms and associated behavioral disturbances exhibited by elderly, non-schizophrenic dementia patients.
More facts have emerged as to the background that brought down the drug giant, including the assistance of Joe Strom, a former employee of the J&J subsidiary Scios, helping prosecutors prep for depositions in the case. Other whistleblowers actually went undercover to help prosecutors build their case against J&J including former sales rep Judith Doetterl, 34, who brought a recording device into a Risperdal sales conference in Texas. The J&J informants will together collect $167.7 million, with $112 million going to Pennsylvania district whistleblowers, $27.7 million going to those in the Massachusetts district, and the remaining $28 million to the sole whistleblower in California. It is because of the whistleblowers hard work and determination to put their foot down that the Risperdal claims have come to light.
Click here to read the full article: J&J Whistleblowers to Collect Record $168M Share of DoJ Settlement
According to Associate Attorney General Tony West, “When companies put profit over patients’ health and misuse taxpayer dollars, we demand accountability.”
Click here to read the full Department of Justice press release: Johnson & Johnson to Pay More Than $2.2 Billion to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations
Because of the fine, Johnson and Johnson will be subject to more stringent requirements with a Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) with the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG). This agreement is designed to increase accountability and transparency and prevent future fraud and abuse.
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At the Brandi Law Firm, we help people throughout the country who have been harmed because of a defective drug or medical device such as women contracting type two diabetes while using Lipitor, people suffering from bladder cancer while using Actos, Fosamax users suffering atypical femur fractures, DePuy ASR hip users requiring revisions or suffering toxic poisoning, and women suffering significant pain, erosion and removal of Vaginal Mesh Instead of treating all victims of defective drugs and medical devices the same we take a different, more personalized approach with a team of experienced defective drug attorneys and paralegals working for every client. Our goal is to provide you with information about your legal options and to help you pursue compensation and holding these drug companies responsible for their dangerous actions. Please contact the Brandi Law Firm today (1-800-481-1615 or email us) to talk with the experienced San Francisco defective drug attorneys.