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When A Crash And Auto Defects Result In A Car Fire

Defects in a car’s fuel-delivery system or gas tank placement can cause the vehicle to burst into flames following an accident. Post-collision fires can often be traced to ruptures in the car’s fuel lines or gas tank due to faulty design or improper maintenance.

If a person can survive a collision without serious injuries, then the car’s gas tank and fuel lines should also remain intact. But when a gas tank is inadequately protected or the fuel delivery system fails, horrible burn injuries and death can be the result.

Countless accidents throughout this nation occur daily with high impacts that do not result in fiery explosions. Although fiery crashes are common in movies, they are rare in real life. Investigations often reveal that car fires are the result of bad maintenance or a design flaw.

Our Legal Team’s Experience With Car Fire Cases

The Brandi Law Firm has a team of attorneys, investigators, engineers, doctors and nurses who investigate auto fire injury cases in detail.

We have helped many clients recover compensation after suffering injuries or losing loved ones in these devastating accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured by an auto fire, contact us anytime.

Determining The Cause

In examining the cause and origin of a fire, several factors are considered, including any leaks in the fuel system, problems with wiring such as loose or cracked wiring, electrical or mechanical failure, and short circuits.

The majority of car fires originate in the engine compartment. Electrical fires usually begin in or around the dashboard. Fuel-fed fires, on the other hand, often begin under a vehicle or on the street surface below and spread quickly as leaking gasoline ignites. Both electrical and fuel-fed fires are often caused by defective design choices in the automobile or truck at issue.

To help determine cause and origin, you need to understand the makeup of the materials, their flash points, ignition temperatures, melting points, and maintenance history of the vehicle and carefully inspect the fuel and electrical related systems.

Consideration also must be given to those aspects of the vehicle design that recognize fire can occur and are supposed to allow people to escape from a fire (e.g., the locking system, windows and so on).

We Take On Cases Against Large Companies

We have recovered for our clients in actions against all of the major manufacturers, including General Motors (GM), Ford, Toyota, Chrysler, Honda, Nissan, Hyundai, Mercedes, part suppliers and other fabricators.

What make was your car that exploded in a crash? We invite you to meet with an experienced and compassionate personal injury attorney at our law firm at no charge. Call 888-309-1224 or email us to schedule a free consultation.